Friday, September 27, 2019

Rogers City invades The Owl's Nest tonight

Oscoda football fans, tonight's weather may test you more than Rogers City will test the Owls football team. Heavy rain and wind should make it to Oscoda before kickoff and it should be one of those cold pelting rains that make outdoor events so much more fun.

As for the teams on the field, Rogers City comes in 0-4. They played Wittemore-Prescott and Tawas close the first two losses but since then, not much. After a close opener the Owls have pretty much destroyed everything in their path like a winged Godzilla. 70-7, 56-0, 50-0 are the last three Oscoda winning scores. We'd anticipate that trend should continue.

Fearless forecast:
Oscoda 40
Rain 14
Rogers City 12

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