Monday, June 8, 2020

Gossip, Gossip, We Want Gossip! Gossip, Gossip, We Want Gossip!

Johnny just happened to be standing in the right place at the right time yesterday to hear a stan (Over the top fan) for the Hilltop Bar and Grill saying, are you sitting down, Desi's Taco Lounge 'cheated' to win last year's Best Burger award over the Hilltop. All kinds of wild accusations about possible vote irregularities, and complaining Desi's entry wasn't really a burger but an appetizer.

Woooo, good stuff on a Monday eh Oscoda?

Now, while Johnny has had other things at Hilltop he hasn't had the burger. Johnny has had a regular Desi's cheeseburger, not the award-winning one, and he right enjoyed it. Reminded him of the cheeseburger at the Ann Arbor landmark, The Fleetwood Diner. Good stuff. The taste tests will come soon enough but for now, Hilltop and Desi's, Fight! Fight! Fight!

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