Monday, July 20, 2020

The Oscoda City Desk is back on the air

To the chagrin of many no doubt. Big storm, but it wasn't a hurricane now was it? The point Johnny is making and is feeling cranky over is it took Consumers Energy longer after a thunderstorm to get Johnny's power back on than it did for PSE&G to restore Johnny's power after SUPERSTORM SANDY. A 20 foot wall of saltwater inside of a hurricane and the guys and gals from Jersey did it 2.5 hours faster. Not good Consumers, not good at all. Upkeep is your job. Keeping trees away from your power lines is your job. It's called cost of doing business. The kind of business you swear you're doing when you run hat in hand to the legislature asking for more money yet events like this just don't somehow square with your claims.

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