Sunday, January 24, 2021

Johnny would like to apologize for the lack of a proper Music Series this weekend

For this, the entire Oscoda City Desk family can thank Spectrum. They managed to drop Johnny's internet (and phone) connection Thursday afternoon and didn't manage to get it back up (sans phone) until 11:30 this morning. 

Welp friends, Johnny took names and times and the lies they told. He's going to put this all together like he's done before working at an agency, kind of a time breakdown of a how a company freely lies, insults and destroys customer relationships. Johnny has written award-winning timelines and Spectrum is about to get another one in the next few days. It will be truthful, it will be brutal and it will show how Johnny is pretty certain Spectrum games their customer service numbers. Twelve calls will do that.

Oh, did Johnny mention, his proposed solution Thursday night, one he was dismissed out of hand for, turned out to the the fix Spectrum went with. Nothing like doing their jobs for them.

We should have a Music Series up tomorrow, our first Monday Night Music Series ever.

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